7001 South Park Ave., Tacoma, WA 98408
Phone #: (253) 475-6335


Finance Council News for September 2018

The Saint Ann Finance Council met on November 7th.  The Parish financial report for September 2018 was reviewed. Through September, Parish Operations had net loss of $17,101. This is mainly due to Parish maintenance and repair projects that have totaled $61,585 for the year. The budget impact has been significantly reduced by $43,489 in restricted donations for the projects, but the net effect is the current loss for the year.


Sister Kim Tran reported that 126 families had returned pledge cards for the Stewardship of Treasure Campaign and pledged $112,864. If you haven’t made a pledge, please make one as soon as possible. Thank You!


There have been many maintenance and repair projects completed so far this year and some are still in progress. Much of the work has been done by volunteers which has significantly reduced the cost to the Parish. If you see someone working around the Parish, please say ‘Thank You’ and give them credit for their efforts.


Thank you for your continued financial support of our Parish.

Parish Finance Council

Bob Richardson